One of the best things about travel is the opportunity it provides to discover new things. Especially delicious new things. Our trip to Palm Springs over Thanksgiving week included such a discovery: Palm Springs’ iconic date shake. But at the time, I had no idea that date shakes were a thing let alone iconic. And if not for the persistence of my husband, Matt, I probably would not have tasted one, unfairly prejudiced, as I was, against the wrinkly, brown fruit that is a key ingredient.
It was the Monday before Thanksgiving, and we were headed to dinner, slowly window
After dinner, we returned to the frozen yogurt shop, where Matt again announced his intention to order a date shake and I made my gag me with a spoon face in response. As if on cue, a small mustached man walked up to us and began singing the praises of the date shake to the point where I wondered if Matt had paid him to do so. A regular visitor to Palm Springs who lived in LA, this man had taken down a good number of date shakes in his day and assured us they were delicious. “You’ve got to try one,” he said, and got in line to
As I later learned, around 90% of the country’s dates are grown in the Coachella Valley, where Palm Springs is located, and date shakes, which were invented here in the 1920’s, can be found all over the region. While flavors and recipes vary, the frozen yogurt place we stumbled upon offered three kinds: vanilla, banana and

So, let this serve as a reminder (to myself no less than others!) to seek out and keep an open mind to all that’s new and different as we travel through life. And to live by the old adage that you can’t judge a book by its cover, or, as in this case, a frozen dessert by its name. Because it would be a real shame to